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Solution: Google Meet You can't join this meeting with your school account. - Mkerala
Google Workspace

Solution: Google Meet You can’t join this meeting with your school account.

When trying to join a Google Meet meeting using a G Suite Education/school account, you get the following error.

Error: You can’t join this meeting with your school account. Sing in with another Google Account and try again.


This is because G Suite for education users are only allowed to join meetings created by other G Suite users. If you try to join a meeting that was created by Gmail personal account you will get above error. Unfortunately, this is a limitation for personal account and to safeguarding put it in place for education users. Below is statement from official Google article on this.

G Suite for Education users

If you have a G Suite for Education account and your school type is Primary/Secondary education (K-12), you’ll not be allowed to join Google Meet video calls created by non-G Suite, or personal, Google Accounts.


Solution 1: Create the meeting using a G Suite account

This issue is happening due to meeting creator using personal account. Instead, if you create the meeting using your G Suite account, those users using the personal account can also join.

Solution 2: Access meeting using personal account(@gmail)

Since this issue is limited to G Suite Edu users accessing meeting created by a personal account, you can instead use your personal account to access the meeting without this limitation.

20 thoughts on “Solution: Google Meet You can’t join this meeting with your school account.

  • donatus dona

    I have this same error “you can’t join this meeting with your school account”… For us it’s like we start using one link with the gsuite account and we will give a break for like 5min then the next teacher joins but some students couldn’t giving this error.. The meeting was started by gsuite user BTW though

    • mkerala

      The next teacher might be using a private gmail account to start the meeting. Use links created with G Suite accounts only not gmail one.

    • Did you follow the steps?

  • The meeting was created by a g suit owner, but i cannot join with my school account. It says “failed to join meeting” or “no such meeting exists”. But all my classmates were able to join the same meeting using therir school account.

    • From the error, it seems like the link you used expired. Double check if you got the latest link.

      • Khairul Nizar Rhazak

        Facing similar issue. Try to join using other google account and it work. Try using school account on other device for same meeting and it works. Is there any configuration on device that need to look into?

        • Try join from Gmail App. It has built-in Google meet.

    • Mina gorrell

      same thing here


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