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MG University Transcript: How to apply for Transcript WES Canada? - Mkerala

MG University Transcript: How to apply for Transcript WES Canada?

****Important: MG University has started online application for transcript. Hence, below process is no longer applicable. Please click here to get details about new process.****

If you are planning to apply for a Transcript from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, then continue reading to get an overview of the process.

Step 1 – Pay the fee online:  There are no more cash payments accepted at the university and all fees have to be paid online. As the university updates the fee from time to time, please check the fee for (Official Transcript of Marklist with the seal and Signature of the Authentication Officer) on below link.


E-Payment Portal:

  1. Open E-Payment portal and select certificates
  2. Click on “Official Transcript/Genuineness Verification” or use direct link
  3. Enter your details and select the drop-down list as follows.
    1. Official Transcript/Genuineness Verification: Fee for official transcript of marksheet/syllabus/academic transcript
    2. Miscellaneous: Not Applicable
    3. Transmission Charges: Transmission Charges – Outside India (Directly sent from University to the institution. For WES, use this option) Update: Speed Post to Foreign Countries now available for Rs 2100
    4. Late Fee for Official Transcript/ Genuineness Verification: (select as applicable) image
  4. Enter the captcha and proceed to payment.
  5. Download and take a print out of the challan.

Step 2 – Prepare documents required for application You will need the following documents to be submitted to obtain the transcript from university. (Arranged in following order below and tied with a string)

  1. Print out of fee payment receipt with challan no: and barcode
  2. Application form for transcript (Download)
  3. Copy of all year/semester mark sheets and degree certificate(Both sides).
  4. Gusseted officer attested Copy of SSLC Certificate
  5. For WES Canada, 2 copies of Academic Records Request Form and color copy of degree certificate to be sent to WES along with transcript. 

Update: Gusseted officer attested copy no longer required. 

Additional CD requirement for BTech courses started before 2010

For students who have started their BTech course before 2010, a CD with the soft copy of application is required to be submitted along with the documents mentioned above. Please note that the course start year is considered, not the completion year.
In order to prepare the CD, seek assistance from any of the photostat stores opposite to the University main gate. They will charge an amount around Rs 150/- to get this prepared. This CD also needs to be tied along with the documents before submitting.

Step 3 – Visit MG university and apply:  First thing you need to do as soon you arrive at the university is to visit the Visitor information center near the entrance so you can confirm you got all the documents and get directions to the “New Pariksha Bhavan Building” where you will submit the application based on your course. So the process would be as follows.

  1. Visit information center located at the left side of the main entrance and confirm you have got all documents required.
  2. Ask for directions to “New Pariksha Bhavan Building” and section where you need to submit your application based on the course you have done. (For B-Tech transcripts, “New Pariksha Bhavan building, Ground floor, Room no. 105”)
  3. At “New Pariksha Bhavan Building” go to the section for your course. There should be a list on the wall showing desk no: for each college. Find your college on the list and submit the application to the staff.
  4. They may ask you to visit the accounts section and verify the online fee paid.
  5. If all required documents are okay, they will accept the application.

Step 4 – Getting the transcript  The processing time is typically four weeks and they will call you once it is ready. Either you can go to the university and collect it personally or they will send it to your home address or directly to the institution if postage is paid along with the fee. Below is the image of a sealed transcript from MG University.

Note: As per the new process, WES only accept Transcript directly sent by the university.

***WES has started asking for secondary verification of transcript due to increased fraud. Please check out this article for more details***

Note: As the process could change from time to time, please check with university information counter. Continue reading for some tips and common question you may have.

****MG University has started online application for transcript. Hence, above process is no longer applicable. Please click here to get details about new process.****


Frequently Asked Question

  • Do I need to go to University in person to apply for the transcript?

Ans: Either you or an authorised person by you can submit the application on your behalf. MG University does not have an option for online application. 

  • Is there any agency or agent that help me with applying for a transcript?

Ans: Yes, there are many agents that offer this service. Please check our article on agents offering University transcript and attestation service. 

  • How long it takes for the university to send the transcript?

Ans: Typically takes around 3 weeks for the university to process the transcript and send it. For delivery to WES or another institution outside India, it will take around 3 weeks by normal post. For Speed-post, it will take around one week time. 

  • Can I pay the fee directly at the university or anywhere nearby?

Ans: No, MG University has made all fee payment online. You could pay at the nearby internet cafe, but they may charge you extra and there will be a long wait time at busy hours.

  • Can I ask the university to send the transcript directly to WES or any institutions?

Ans: Yes, however, if the institution is outside India it can take up to a month to reach them and you won’t be able to track it. Therefore, it is always better to get the transcript to your address and use DHL or another good courier for faster delivery with tracking. Tip: You can send the transcript to WES for as low as Rs 999 here via this link. Note: WES only accepts transcripts directly sent by the University.

  • Does WES or other institutions accept the transcript if we sent it? 

Ans: Yes, the only condition is to send it in a sealed envelope as given to you by the university. In short, do not open the small packet as shown in the image above.  WES no longer accepts transcript sent by individuals.

  • How do I contact the university or know the status of my application?

Ans: The university should contact you in case of any issues or when the transcript is ready. If you haven’t been contacted after the given timeline(3 weeks), you can contact the section where you submitted the application. Click here to get the contact number

***WES has started asking for secondary verification of transcript due to increased fraud. Please check out our other article for more details***

Have a question? Please drop a comment below and subscribe to notification or check back later for the answer. We try to answer every query asked here. 

492 thoughts on “MG University Transcript: How to apply for Transcript WES Canada?

  • Does MG university give transcripts in sealed envelope directly to the applicant ? Does the transcript needs to be typed and given to the section in CD?

    • Yes. CD is no longer required.

      • Crazy people asked for submitting everything in CD today! ??‍♀️ I have no idea what kinda redundant life MG university still lives in. All these procedures are so simple and straightforward in universities outside Kerala, and to see a 30-year backward system still existing in renowned universities like MG is absolutely appalling! ??

        • I thought they were done with CD system. They used to ask for CD few years ago, but from 2017 they stopped asking for CD. Guess the Computer shops nearby going to make good profit out of it.

      • I have applied for WES on 31st August in MG university kottayam. They are asking for CD having the marks consolidated in a single page. I had get it done from outside shop. So please correct the information ‘they require a CD with marklist consolidated in transcript format’.

        • mkerala

          That is strange. Which course did you apply for transcript?


    For WES application transcript which option do i need to select…. option for attestation/genuineness varification of each copy of marklist OR each copy of degree certificate ???

    • As detailed above you should go for Official Transcript/Genuineness Verification: each copy of degree certificate

    • Amil Antony

      I’m living in Delhi is there any way by which I can get my Btech transcripts delivered to my home in Delhi, without me going directly to MG university.
      P.S Btech YOP (2017)

      • mkerala

        You can use agency who do transcript on your behalf.


    Do I need to apply transcript again for WES if I already have one ,but not attested? Or i should only apply attestation of all marklist / each year degree certificates ??

    • As per the new WES process, they will accept a transcript sent directly by the university. So yes, you need to apply for a new one and ask University to sent it to WES.

      • Does the certificate copies need to be attested, or copy of attested certificate is sufficient?

        • Only SSLC certificate needs to be attested.

          • My SSLC certificate is NORKA attested. Copy of this certificate is enought right?

          • No. Copy of SSLC certificate needs to be attested by a gazetted officer.

  • Ravishankar

    What is a WES arr form?.
    Is it required for studies at countries other than Canada and U.S?

    • mkerala

      WES is an educational credential validation service for US and Canada. I don’t think it is required for any other countries.

      • Hi,
        what is the procedure for WES secondary verification from MG University?. is there any additional payment for secondary verification.

        • mkerala

          WES sent a letter to university for confirmation. University need to reply that. There is no charge but may take up to 2 months.

  • Jolly

    I am based outside India and need the transcript of BSC degree marklist from MG University Kottayam. Will they accept by post my application?Which address can I send the documents by post? I only need the marklist so should I still be sending the degree certificate too.

    • mkerala

      It is a very busy place and not sure if you send by post it will reach right department. Better ask someone here to submit the application on your behalf. Only copies of certificate required, not the original.

      • Mahith M

        I have completed my BSc from MG University in 2016 and I would like to have my BSc official transcripts delivered to my address in Kerala so that I can send it together with my MSc transcript via courier to a Canadian University. May I know whether I have to opt “Transmission Charges: Within India” for the same or whether it is “Transmission Charges: Outside India”.

        • Select “Transmission Charges: Within India” if you want it delivered to your home address.

          • Hi,
            I have one more doubt. My Canadian University has asked me to sent the BSc transcripts from MG University to them, as a part of my application for higher studies. May I know whether this has anything to do WES and whether I have to sent the transcript to WES or to my Canadian University.
            Thank you.

          • Nothing to do with WES. Ask MG university to sent it directly to your Canadian university.

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